- Baroque Music Box shown with storage cabinet
- Swan Music box with matching Storage Cabinet. Storage Cabinet sold separately.
We are happy to present our Porter Music Boxes. Please have a look for yourself at the beauty of the marquetry. The look is only out done by the sound that they produce.
If your antique Regina, Stella, Mira, cylinder box or any other music box is in need total restoration we are your one stop source for all your repair needs.
If your old Reuge music box is not playing like new give us a call to discuss what we can do for your treasure.
If you have any questions regarding any make of music box please call us and we can discuss what we can do for you. Here are a few letters of recommendation from some of our very happy customers. Harold Wade letter of recomendation 2017 bayernhof letter of recomendation 2017 simply click on the link to read the
We were also blessed to have worked on a couple of music boxes from Author of Encylopedia of Automatic Musical Instruments, Mr. Q. David Bowers.David Bowers letter of recomendation 2017
15 1/2″ Antique Regina Music Box with Mahogany Case
15 1/2″ Antique Reginaphone Music Box with Oak Case
15 1/2″ Porter Music Box with 12 Tubular Chimes
Audio Sample: